The information on this website is for non-commercial use only, including educational, scholarly, research, and personal projects that will not be marketed, promoted or sold in a financial transaction. We provide the data in good faith and attempt to make the information as current and accurate as possible. You may use the data from AODstats provided that you do so for a purpose that is reasonably related to the purpose for which AODstats has been provided to you. If you use these data you are required to acknowledge that the source of the information is AODstats, which is owned by Turning Point, Eastern Health.
The availability of some primary data may vary over time, and there may be a time lag in gaining access to data for analysis and mapping. For some map areas, the data is not available due to the need to maintain confidentiality (through suppression of values less than 5, as agreed with data custodians). Data collection can vary between jurisdictions and therefore we advise caution in comparisons between jurisdictions. Where data is available, jurisdictional statistics have been provided, however, we are unable to provide national statistics at this time.