We would like to thank all the people and organisations, including Ambulance Victoria, for access and provision of data and information used in the maps.
AODstats re-development team
The following working group are acknowledged as having been integral in the re-design, re-development and migration of AODstats during 2020.
- Mr Sam Campbell
- Ms Madeleine Clere-Enoka
- Ms Agatha Faulkner
- Ms Evelyn Frude
- Ms Jessica Killian
- Ms Amaya Munoz Labiano
- Dr Rowan Ogeil
- Mr Andrew Pham
- Dr Adam Scott
- Dr Debbie Scott
- Prof Dan Lubman
Project staff
We would like to acknowledge the current and former staff from NAMHSU @ Turning Point team who have assisted with extraction, coding, and analysis of alcohol and drug involvement in indicator data. The team is led by our strategic lead Dr Debbie Scott and is supported by our director Professor Dan Lubman.
Project sponsor
Victorian Department of Health
The mapping software is Tableau (for more information see
Suggested citation
Turning Point, (insert year). AODstats: Victorian alcohol and drug statistics, Date accessed: (insert date)